what is your fav animal?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

On The School Computer

Hi, Balkrishna and I are on one of the school computers and are writing this.  In 5 and a half weeks it is going to be the summer holidays which means Christmas!! 

We're having alot of fun at school writing our play's our play is called The giant beanstalk.

At school we have been useing ipads throughout the weeks of this term and its very exciting!!!

oh by the way Balkrishna is in my class and is helping me here.

Anyway  hope you are looking forward to the holidays!!!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

hows everyone i am eight and this is my blog that i am making so please leave a message!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

here are some of our latest pics!!
 on the swing bridge at lake brunner!!

oh oh ah ah having a swing!!

lets jump!!